• Spring is in the air

    Spring is in the air

    Phrase: Spring is in the air Spring is in the air! The season of rebirth, rejuvenation, and renewal has finally arrived, and I couldn’t be happier. After four long months of dreary winter weather, it’s a welcome change to see the sun shining, flowers blooming, and birds and little green tree frogs chirping. Spring is…

  • Fire sale

    Fire sale

    Word of the Day: Fire sale Everyone loves a great bargain. You may be familiar with closing sales, clearance sales and Boxing Day specials, but have you ever taken advantage of a fire sale? A fire sale is a clearance sale where goods are sold at a lower price than their original value. The term…

  • A soft touch

    A soft touch

    WotD: A soft touch Do you ever feel like a soft touch?  It can be frustrating to feel like people are continually getting whatever they want from you, but the good news is you can prevent it.  A soft touch is someone easily influenced or taken advantage of.  This can manifest in many ways, such…

  • Bad hair day

    Bad hair day

    WotD: Bad hair day Bad hair day. Bad hair day! BAD HAIR DAY! Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system. You know what’s worse than a bad hair day? Having a bad hair day and Mondayitis at the same time. It’s like the universe is conspiring against you. A bad hair day…

  • A word to the wise

    A word to the wise

    Idiom: A word to the wise We all have wisdom that we want to impart to others. The problem is that the wiser we are, the less we want to accept advice from others. That’s where today’s idiom, a word to the wise, comes into play. It implies that advice is being given to someone…

  • Live beyond your means

    Live beyond your means

    Phrase: Live beyond your means  To live in peace and happiness, stop living beyond your means. When you live beyond your means, you spend more money than you earn, essentially living a lifestyle you cannot afford. This leads to a lot of financial trouble and stress. Yes, you can fake it until you make it,…

  • Arms race

    Arms race

    Word of the Day: Arms race  BANG! And they’re off. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the 21st-century arms race. The post-Cold War era is officially over, and we have entered the pre-World War III era. It’s hard to say and even harder to hear, but those are the facts. The political and global landscape has…

  • Useful idiot 

    Useful idiot 

    WotD: Useful idiot As the term useful idiot has been thrown around quite a bit in the media lately, it’s important to understand what it means and how it can be used to describe certain individuals. A useful idiot is someone who is unwittingly manipulated by a more powerful political force to promote their agenda…

  • Normalcy bias

    Normalcy bias

    WotD: Normalcy bias Normalcy bias is a cognitive bias that can lead people to underestimate the possibility of a disaster or crisis occurring. This bias causes individuals to assume that things will always go according to plan and that the status quo will remain unchanged. Essentially, normalcy bias is a tendency to believe that the…

  • Fool me once shame on you

    Fool me once shame on you

    Proverb: Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me It’s your responsibility not to be caught off guard. It’s a dog-eat-dog world where once you step outside your door, everyone you meet wants something from you, and it’s usually your money. That’s where today’s proverb comes into play. The proverb fool…

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