Nothing ventured, nothing gained

In English we have the proverb nothing ventured, nothing gained. It means that if you don’t try, you’ll never succeed.
Everything is possible, but you will never know for sure until you try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say.

English Proverb: Nothing ventured, nothing gained

Doing the safe thing is easy, comfortable and seemingly the sensible way of going about something.

You can’t, however, expect to achieve your dreams if you don’t take any chances or risks.

In English we have the proverb, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

It means that if you don’t try, you will never succeed. Sure, when we try something new or go out on a limb, there is a possibility of failure.

So who cares? If you fail, you fail. You wake up the next morning, and you try again.

Choosing the safe way of doing things is guaranteeing yourself a life of nothingness.

Everybody has hopes and dreams. The only way to make these dreams a reality is to do them.

When you get out of bed tomorrow morning remember the proverb nothing ventured, nothing gained and don’t be afraid to go out on a limb to make your dreams become a reality. Nothing is impossible.




This week's new lesson is: COMMUNAL LIVING. Share accommodation for retired seniors.   Check out the Communal Living lesson