Tag: go to hell in a handbasket

  • Make sense of

    Make sense of

    Phrase: Make sense of (something) It often seems like an impossible task, but we are all trying to make sense of the world right now. For Western countries, things had been going along smoothly for quite some time. Sure, once in a while, something throws a spanner into the works, such as the Vietnam War,…

  • Bend the rules

    Bend the rules

    Idiom: Bend the rules Rules are not always hard and fast limitations that must be followed to the letter. It’s not good to break the rules because they were made for a reason, but we can bend the rules on occasion. When we bend the rules, we allow someone to do something that they usually…

  • Navel-gazing


    WotD: Navel-gazing The world in 2019 is a world of action, decision-making, and deep meditation. That’s why many people get upset when they see others navel-gazing. Now, navel-gazing sounds like serious stuff. Before we can continue, you must know what a navel is. Navel is another word for belly button. Look at your stomach if you don’t know…

  • Freeze your butt off

    Freeze your butt off

    English Idiom: Freeze your butt off What’s going on with the weather, eh? It’s cold enough to freeze your tweetin’ butt off out here! Last week it was cold enough to be in the depth of winter, and now this week it feels like spring. I’m confused. Is this global warming? Climate change? Is the…