Tag: obnoxious

  • Keep your distance

    Keep your distance

    Phrase: Keep your distance The current state of the world with an ongoing pandemic gives new meaning to the phrase keep your distance. It usually means to stay far away from something or someone either physically, emotionally or socially. These days keeping one’s distance can be a matter of self-survival, a matter of life or…

  • One bad apple spoils the whole barrel

    One bad apple spoils the whole barrel

    Proverb: One bad apple spoils the whole barrel At a party, one bad apple spoils the whole barrel. Imagine that you’re having a little dinner party with some old friends. Everything is going great. The food is fantastic, and the conversation is engaging. Then you suddenly realize that one of your friends has had too many…

  • Abbreviation of the Day: aka

    Abbreviation of the Day: aka

    Abbreviation: aka Today I have an abbreviation a.k.a. that you may have seen before. These three letters, aka, are an abbreviation for ‘also known as‘ and are commonly used when someone has another name, is known by another name or even has a widely known and used nickname. For example, most fans of Japanese baseball have…

  • Leave a bad taste in (one’s) mouth

    Leave a bad taste in (one’s) mouth

    Idiom: Leave a bad taste in your mouth The idiom leave a bad taste in one’s mouth has nothing to do with eating or bad-tasting toothpaste. It deals with feelings. Have you ever been treated rudely or poorly in a restaurant or store? How did you feel about that experience? I bet that experience left…

  • Troll


    Word of the Day: Troll Traditionally a troll is a creature that lives in caves or under bridges and scares people or, in nasty situations, eats them. Of course, they were imaginary and the stuff of fairy tales. However, modern technology has created a new kind version. This more up to date version lurks on…

  • Obnoxious


    Word of the Day: Obnoxious Obnoxious is a term used to describe people who are acting unpleasantly and therefore causing other people to feel annoyed, disgusted or offended. Think about it this way, when some people drink alcohol they are a lot of fun to be around. They tell jokes and can make everyone laugh.…

  • Toot / blow your own horn

    Toot / blow your own horn

    English Idiom: Toot/blow your own horn This week I am trying to stay on the theme of Brexit. I will keep to this theme again today with toot/blow your own horn. I saw Nigel Farage’s performance at the European Parliament, and he did seem to be very happy with his accomplishment of winning the Brexit…