Dust bunny

A dust bunny is a ball of fluffy dust and sometimes hair. If you open the windows on a windy day, dust bunnies will be blown across the floor.

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WotD: Dust bunny

OK, so just for the people who read this blog, I went on a perilous adventure. I went hunting dust bunnies this afternoon!

Dust bunnies are very elusive because my wife and I maintain a spic and span house.

After much searching and hours of waiting quietly and patiently, I managed to take a picture of one.

If you have looked at the picture but still have no idea what a dust bunny is, it is a ball of fluffy dust and sometimes hair.

If you open the windows on a windy day and you have dust bunnies, they will be blown across the floor.

For your own protection, you should know that dust bunnies are afraid of vacuum cleaners.




This week's new lesson is: COMMUNAL LIVING. Share accommodation for retired seniors.   Check out the Communal Living lesson