Vacuum flask

A vacuum flask or bottle is an insulated container that keeps a liquid hot for a long time. They're often known by the brand name Thermos.

Word of the Day: Vacuum flask/vacuum bottle

This gentleman in today’s picture is looking after his pennies by using a vacuum bottle.

Because he is doing this, the pounds will look after themselves.

A vacuum flask or vacuum bottle is an insulated container that keeps a liquid hot for a long time. They’re often known by the brand name Thermos.

You can take them to work, on a hike or just along with you when you go for a drive.

Vacuum bottles come in all sizes and investing in one can help you save money in the long term.

You can get ones that hold a single serving of coffee, these are usually called travel mugs, or you can buy large vacuum flasks that can hold up to 2 litres or even more.




This week's new lesson is: COMMUNAL LIVING. Share accommodation for retired seniors.   Check out the Communal Living lesson