
A cure-all is something that will solve any problem or cure any sickness. Unfortunately, you will not be able to find a cure-all.
To give my two cents’ worth, arming teachers is not a cure-all.

Word of the Day: Cure-all

First of all, let me say that there is no such thing as a cure-all. Why? Well, it’s something that will solve any problem or cure any sickness. There is nothing on this earth that will answer all of our questions. In other words, cure-alls don’t exist.

Look at the ongoing situation in the United States at the moment. Gun violence involving schools has reached epidemic proportions.

Since the Columbine incident, thousands of children have had firsthand experience of gun violence at their schools, which are supposed to be safe places.

American schools hold active shooter drills, the same way that Japanese schools hold earthquake or tsunami drills. The sad part is more American kids are shot at school than there are Japanese kids killed at a school in earthquakes.

How do American leaders propose to solve the problem of gun violence, well, arm the teachers of course?

They say that arming teachers will be a cure-all which will prevent school shootings from ever happening again. I’m not sure that’s the best solution.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure as the saying goes. No guns = no shootings = no dead kids at school.

This week's new lesson is: COMMUNAL LIVING. Share accommodation for retired seniors.   Check out the Communal Living lesson