
Once a person has achieved flow they are in the zone.
Flow means to be producing something regularly and steadily. When people can achieve flow, they can achieve peak productivity.

Word of the Day: Flow

If you desire to attain your peak productivity, you must determine how to achieve flow.

A while back, I discussed what it means to be in the zone. Once a person has achieved flow, they are in the zone.

Flow means to be producing something regularly and steadily. Flow is peak productivity.

When a person has achieved flow, they are in a state of high concentration, and nothing bothers them.

Whatever they are trying to create seems to flow out of their fingertips; they are working smoothly and getting things done.

Some people need white noise, such as a radio or office noise, in the background to achieve flow.

The presence of background noise is one of the reasons some people prefer to work in cafes – the bustling background noise helps them achieve flow.





This week's new lesson is: COMMUNAL LIVING. Share accommodation for retired seniors.   Check out the Communal Living lesson