Tag: flow

  • Like a hot knife through butter

    Like a hot knife through butter

    Phrase: Like a hot knife through butter  Coming up with a business idea and creating that business is relatively easy. Anyone can do it. On the other hand, maintaining that business and making it profitable is where the vast majority of small business owners fail. Entrepreneurs have to wear many hats, and in this day…

  • Glued to something

    Glued to something

    Idiom: Glued to something They used to say that TV was a mother’s best friend. Back in the day, how many Saturday mornings were mothers able to accomplish something while their children were glued to the TV watching cartoons? When you are glued to something, you pay close attention to it. It’s sort of the…

  • In / by fits and starts

    In / by fits and starts

    English Phrase: In/by fits and starts I guess we could say that today’s phrase, in fits and starts, is the opposite of yesterday’s word – flow. When things happen in fits and starts, they start and stop frequently. It’s tough to be productive if you’re working in fits and starts. Sometimes there’s too much distraction…

  • Flow


    Word of the Day: Flow If you desire to attain your peak productivity, you must determine how to achieve flow. A while back, I discussed what it means to be in the zone. Once a person has achieved flow, they are in the zone. Flow means to be producing something regularly and steadily. Flow is…

This week's new lesson is: COMMUNAL LIVING. Share accommodation for retired seniors.   Check out the Communal Living lesson